Mississippi County Baptist Association
Friday, February 07, 2025
Changed Lives - Caring People
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International Mission Board

Operation Prayer Cover
Annie Armstrong
Volunteer Opportunities
NAMB Missionaries

About Us

Mission Statement
Mississippi County Baptist Association exists to involve churches in a cooperative effort to do Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission Ministries and Worship for building up the Kingdom of God
Vision Statement
The vision of Mississippi County Baptist Association is to have an indispensable partnership with all our churches in developing Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission Ministries and Worship for Kingdom Building. 
We are a body of believers committed to worshiping and serving Jesus Christ. As a Baptist Association we join with likeminded Christians in spreading the gospel around the world.
Our slogan is more than just a catchy phrase. We hope that it gives you insight into just who we are.
Christ reached out to people of all ages and backgrounds and at our Association we desire to do the same. That is why you will discover here ministries geared to various life stages and needs. 
We want you to be a part of the blessings of God in the life of our Association. We will bring you updates often on just what is happening in our Association and share the stories of how Christ is making a difference in the lives of people.

Cool Links...

Hang Out With Wally
Net Ministries


Links to denominational agencies:

Southern Baptist Convention (National)

Southern Baptists of Texas Convention

Smith County Baptist Association

International Mission Board

North American Mission Board

Listen to commercial-free worship music brought to you by AllWorship.com.

James Dobson Family Minute

Operation Prayer Cover
Annie Armstrong
Volunteer Opportunities
NAMB Missionaries