Mississippi County Baptist Association
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Changed Lives - Caring People
MCBA Associational Missionary’s Report for January 2025

“We often lead the way we’ve been lead, disciple the way we’ve been discipled, and teach the way we have been taught… unless we consciously decide to do otherwise.” ~Daniel Im, Author of No Silver Bullets: 5 Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Ministry

     Mississippi County Baptists, as we enter a new era of cooperative ministry, the future for the Association is brighter than ever. With singleness of mind on the building the Kingdom, we are consciously calling into question the status quo that is Associational missions. Together… we have such great potential as surrendered servants of the Almighty. However, God rarely works through potential alone. Without an unwavering commitment to obedience and the Lordship of Christ, our Association can do little to give God glory. May we make a commitment this day, to a greater emphasis on our personal obedience to what God is calling us to do… to make disciples that make disciples that make our community noticeably better.

     Over the past two months, after meeting with many church leaders, I have come to the realization that we are on the cusp of something great possessing a mindset that intentionally answers the question of why association exists.

          · We exist for our churches.

          · We exist to be a blessing to our partners through a spirit filled relationship.

          · We exist to walk alongside our churches and church leaders.

          · We exist to be a sounding board and an encouragement to our partners.

          · We exist to bridge the gap between evangelism & discipleship for Kingdom's sake.

          · We exist to increase the worship of God through the advancement of the Word.

          · We exist to build leaders through a gospel centered culture.

          · We exist to return vitality to our church partners.

     We will do this by intentionally joining each other on mission as opportunities arise. We are becoming a leader in the revitalization efforts across Arkansas. During the break at the end of December, I posed a question to Jimbo Stewart, Associate Director of the NAMB Replant Team, what does a process of renewal look like at a local level? While his answered tarried, I began to dream what a process would look like. The Lord led me to a nonlinear process that had three major steps or process hurdles: PreRenewal Process, Renewal Proper, and Post Renewal. This 10 part process is ongoing, and presents the heart of cooperative ministry including ReDiscover, ReExamine, ReCommit, ReEquip, ReImagine, ReStructure, ReEngage, ReLease, ReSource, and ReVisit. Therefore, I believe that church renewal is the future of cooperative missions. Over 85 percent of our churches are plateaued or declining. Therefore, the essence of why we exist is church renewal. However, there are no silver bullets that will solve the declining church apart from a movement of God through His people.
     Every Church Matters! Every Soul Matters!
                    William Vassar MCBA Mission Strategist 

 Upcoming Events

February 2025
                               22  Iron Sharpens Iron Prayer Breakfast-Association Offices
March 2025 
                             1-9  Annie Armstrong North American Missions Offering Prayer Emphasis Week
                                9  Daylight Savings Time Begins
                              15  Disaster Relief Training Nettleton Baptist Church, Jonesboro 
                              18  MCBA Executive Board Meeting @ 6 pm Meal @5:30 pm
                              22  MCBA Iron Sharpens Iron Prayer Breakfast 9 am Perkins Blytheville
                         24-28  MCBA Engage '25 Mission Week-Cross Church
April 2025 
                                   5  Block Party Season Begins
                                 12  ABSC Acts 1:8 Serve Local/MCBA Every Soul Matters 10-2 pm TBA  
                            13-20  Passion Week
                                 13  Palm Sunday
                                 18  Good Friday
                                 20  Resurrection Sunday/Easter
                                 26  MCBA Iron Sharpens Iron Prayer Breakfast@9 am Calvary Osceola

                                 27  Baptism Sunday        

Mailing Address: 
P.O. Box 1104
Blytheville, AR  72316
 (Please send all correspondence to this address)
 Physical Address:
  308 W. Main
    Blytheville, AR  72315
  Phone:  870-763-3634
Fax:  870-762-0557
Website:  mcba1.com
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Romans 10:14-15